Swot Analyses

SWOT Analyses

Experience of process, component and Production Ecology
I have a basic understanding of this area as I have researched the area myself and we have had a few lectures on the processes and components needed to build products however a theoretical knowledge will not be good enough in the outside world so I plan to improve myself over the next year.
Aptitude or designing through a digital platform
I have improved vastly in this area whilst being at university and would say that I now posses good skills in computer literacy best being Microsoft office then Photoshop and illustrator and then finally solid works. However all skills on these programs can still be improved in the professional workplace.
Aptitude in compiling interim and summative design presentations
I have excellent presentation skills in designing the presentation and narrating it. As my best marks always come from my presentations. However the one thing I need to work on is not making the presentations to brief.
Visualising / prototyping skills & aptitudes in a range of media & format
I work quite well in the 3D form especially in wood my weakest material is metal although I need to remember to leave enough time to do the finishing details which take a lot longer than people think.
Experience of design research, analysis & synthesis
This is an area that I need to vastly improve while I am quite good at secondary research my primary research is always lacking which inadvertently is the most important. Also then keep referring back and carrying out further research whilst the project continues.
Awareness of diverse & global range of design cultures & languages
This is an area I have had very little experience in first hand as until you reach professional statues it is very hard to get the experience needed. Although I have researched this area myself to help my understanding and will continue to do so throughout my degree.
Awareness & practice of user centred design
I have had quite a lot of firsthand experience in this area as most of the product projects we have undertaken have focused around this issue so that when we are practicing professionally we have the experience to set us apart from other candidates.
Commitment to the advancement of design knowledge, expertise & value
I have some knowledge of the field we individual research however I don’t think anyone could have a full knowledge of this field as it is so vast and expansive. I believe greater knowledge, expertise and value can only truly come with experience.
Awareness & appreciation of key design futures & innovation trends
This is one of the key factors that design is based on you have to design for the future innovation trends as that is how people will buy your products they are not going to spend good money on backwards thinking design.
Commitment to & understanding of the imperative of professional practice.
This is an aspect that I have had no practice in yet however throughout the year I plan to get work experience to gain an understanding of this field for when I apply for employment.
Subscription of policies & standards of ethical design
I have little knowledge of ethical design as so far it has not been a major driving factor in any of the designs that we have done so far but when in professional employ I intend to make it one of the main factor on which my designs are based.
Understanding & practice of ethical business standards
Some company’s do not have ethical standards high on their agenda I intend to make sure that any company I work for will hold the same ethical beliefs and values that I do.
Experience of design practice marketing & promotion
This is an area that I have little practical experience in but a great deal of theoretical knowledge of how best to market my product the mass market.
Experience of design budgets & account management
Although I have no practice of this in the design world I have a great deal of knowledge of these issues with my part time job as I have been a manager for the past 12 months and all of the skills required to be a manager are directly transferable.
Experience and understanding of legislation& regulation
I have no understanding of this field at the moment but I hope as the year progress I am taught about these so that I can further myself by going to job interviews with knowledge of current legislation and regulations.
Experience in planning continuing professional development
I have had a part time job ever since I was 16 planning for getting my own housing development company but I will need capital before I can set this up so will need a job and product design was something that could aid my later life with the skills I learn.
Knowledge of design sectors & creative industries
I have moderate knowledge of this field as I did not do product design at collage I have had to pick up the knowledge very quickly and will continue to so as this year progresses.
Experience of project procurement & client consultation
My dad has excellent knowledge in this field as he is an electrical design engineer and so has to win clients and has many meetings with the clients as the projects go on. So I can learn from him to better my knowledge and understanding.
Experience of a wide range of project types & scales of innovation
This is something that we practice on a daily bases on our course were each project is completely different from the next so that we get the best experience and the widest range of skills.
Experience of managing client relationships & collaboration
Once again I can go to my dad for help in this area also in my own part time job I have to keep strong client relationships and with me excellent customer interaction skills I am well versed in this area.
Experience of planning & managing project activity
Being a manager I am used to doing this whilst not in a design environment the skills can be translated across.
Experience of costing projects & fee negotiations
Once again whilst I have little Knowledge my dad has a great understanding of this and can give all his knowledge to me which I can then use to my benefit when going up against competitors at job interviews.
Experience of team leadership & management
In my part time job as manager I have been learning these skills which I can then translate to my professional product design job giving me an edge.
Experience of design process & methodologies
I have some knowledge of this area as what has been taught to me in my degree however I have no experience of professional design process or methodologies which I hope to pick up in my future career. 

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